Downtown Dinkeron is always hiring DJs. You can play any genre of music. We have a few venues to choose from. Must have own stream. Contact Smokie or Noki in Second Life to inquire.
Do you have a band? Perform at Downtown Dinkeron! Two years ago, We had Dinkie Punk Rock band The Strays perform at the Tube Bar!
We are also looking for artists. We have available spaces to hold your pop-up gallery, or you can exhibit in the Dinkeron Museum. Any artwork style is accepted, i.e., fine art, drawings, photography, sculpture, etc. Must be original art. We'll have an opening and closing parties for your exhibit.
Downtown Dinkeron is always looking for Dinkie and Tinies to roleplay. Become a Dinkeron citizen! We're looking for the following: Pawlice (police), judges, hairstylist/barber, preacher, cook, waiter/waitress, motel manager, TV/Newspaper reporters, doctors, nurses, dentist, lawyers, paralegals, secretary, yoga instructor and more.
Contact Smokie, Jet, or Sophia if you're interested. Or best yet, just jump in! You can create your own storylines using Dinkeron in the background.
Downtown Dinkeron has spaces available for your Second Life business and/or home. Contact Smokie Ginger to inquire about renting.